The Pumpkin Patch
at River Edge, NJ
A community outreach program of the FCCRE/UCC in River Edge, NJ.
For Purposes of this site, the terms "Pumpkin Patch", "Pumpkin Patch NJ", "Pumpkin Patch NJ at River Edge", and "River Edge Pumpkin Patch" are synonymous.
All Sizes!


We asked this question directly to our farm management in New Mexico.
Here is their very moving answer.


Date: 2/6/2015

Dear River Edge United Church Of Christ Pumpkin Patch Partner,

My name is Harry Descheene. I am the Human Resources Director for Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers in New Mexico. I've been with Pumpkin Patch, off & on for 22 years. I would like to thank you as a Pumpkin Patch Partner for participating in the project and to let you know what your participation helps provide to Native Americans.

I am a Navajo, living on the reservation all of my life (56 years). Unemployment on the Navajo Reservation is 42%. Unemployment on the Navajo Reservation is 42%. Pumpkin Patch has been employing Native Americans here on the Reservation for over 20 years. Our staff here in New Mexico is 100% Navajo, including all management. During the harvest we also hire Pueblo, both Zuni & Hopi tribes (300 workers).

My experience as an employee and manager is that Pumpkin Patch goes above and beyond what any organizations of the Reservation do to take care of their employees. Pumpkin Patch pays for the transportation of their employees from all of the different Reservations, some as far as 4 hours away. Pumpkin Patch also provides residential facilities (dorms). laundry facilities, recreational facilities, a upscale kitchen with a chef and kitchen staff, a huge dining hall, extensive safety orientation before workers actually begin field work. Transportation is also provided to and from the fields. After completion of the harvest season, all workers are provided with transportation back to their communities.

For many of our workers, it's the only opportunity to provide for their families and themselves. The approximately 1.3 million dollars in harvest labor makes a significant difference in the quality of the lives of our people. Opportunities like this are very scarce on our reservations.

I grew up tending livestock on the Reservation, went to boarding school and worked in local government as an elected official in the capacity of chapter president for 12 years. My salary and benefits with Pumpkin Patch are substantially above what I might receive from other private enterprises in the Farmington area. I have found that the owners of Pumpkin Patch are extremely concerned with the welfare of all of their employees both full and part time.

Another important aspect of Pumpkin Patch is the donation that the program makes to local organizations. Thousands of school children, senior citizen centers, special education & handicapped facilities, behavioral health facilities, church organizations, government services, correctional youth services and civic groups receive free pumpkins for their causes.

Again let me say that I cannot understate the value of the service and work provided to the Navajo people by Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers and its non profit partners like yours.

Thanks, Harry

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Regular Pumpkins!

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