The Pumpkin Patch
at River Edge, NJ
A community outreach program of the FCCRE/UCC in River Edge, NJ.
For Purposes of this site, the terms "Pumpkin Patch", "Pumpkin Patch NJ", "Pumpkin Patch NJ at River Edge", and "River Edge Pumpkin Patch" are synonymous.
All Sizes!


The answers are "VERY, VERY FRESH!" and "YES, YES, YOU CAN!"

Our partner, Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers, produces a premium quality pumpkin for our fundraising needs. They grow 25 varieties of pumpkins in order to provide us with a wide selection of sizes, shapes and colors for our patch. Many ask if pumpkins with many little bumps on them are defective. No, these are specific varieties that, like color or shape, characterize the wide selection of pumpkins available. (Just take a look at some of our pictures)

The farming location in the upland desert region of New Mexico is blessed with high elevation, dry air and limited insect population. These qualities combine to produce a superior product and consistent quantities that ensure inventory through the entirety of your pumpkin sale.

We like working with our partner! In addition to quality product, Pumpkin Patch Fundraisers exercises sustainable agricultural practices. They implement crop rotation, varying crops from year to year to limit pest problems thereby reducing the need for insecticides. Cover crops are used to prevent soil erosion & suppress weeds. This limits the need for the use of herbicides. They also use soil-mapping technology, which enables them to use the optimal amount of seed and fertilizer. This promotes maximized yields efficiently without sacrificing quality. These responsible agricultural practices mean that we provide a great product, which has less of an impact on the environment.

All Pumpkin Patch products are non-GMO. This helps the pumpkins to naturally develop without biasing the structure of the fruit. (see below regarding cooking)

All of our pumpkins are cultivated and selected by hand and allowed to dry to close off the stem prior to transport. The products are then bulk loaded (loose, within the trailer) by hand. This once again allows us to cull out defective or over-ripe product right at the farm. Once loaded, the trucks then deliver the product directly to us from the farm, thereby avoiding additional handling and drying out at warehouses along the way. This beginning-to-end handling procedure produces a higher quality of product on delivery and eliminates the need for the necessity of a forklift for unloading. When they arrive at our Pumpkin Patch, they are again carefully offloaded by hand to prevent damage.

Finally, to answer the question

Can I cook with them?,     the answer is a resounding     YES, you can!

The product is as nature perfect and as fresh as one can get! Look elsewhere on our site for cooking fresh pumpkins. Some people like to roast them to bring out the rich flavor of the pumpkin for later use in recipes for breads, soups, etc. Others like to cook them on a stove top by cubing the pumpkin until it is tender. Either way, look elsewhere on our website for pointers to recipes available.

So come visit us today! Take pumpkins for decoration, for the porch or for cooking!

Hope to see you soon!

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Regular Pumpkins!

Content (c) 2015 et sequentia by is a community outreach program of the United Church of Christ, River Edge, NJ using a (SM) of The Pumpkin Patch (not a DBA).
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